Shanghai Roots and Shoots’ Million Tree Project started the second million-tree goal this year on three separate plots. Two of the sites, 2013-2 and 2013-3, are in cooperation with the Tongliao Forestry Bureau and are located in Molimiao, Keerqin District, 45km west of Tongliao County. The third forest plot, 2013-1, has been contracted from local farmers in Zhaogensumo Gacha (means “village” in Mongolian), Bagatala Sumu (means “town”), Keerqin Left Back Banner (a.k.a. Kezuohou Qi) which is 60km to the south of Tongliao.
图1 2013年林地位置分布 Picture 1: Location of 2013’s three planting sites
Plot 2013-1 lies in the wild sandy lands, south of Zhaogensumo Gacha. Due to the lack of wind-breaking structures here, the ecosystem is vulnerable: vegetation is scarce, and grazing and farming are threatened by soil erosion, even though the water table is high. Accordingly, poplars have been selected as the tree species to improve the region’s environment for their rapid growth rate and good stress resistance. Local farmers have now planted a total forest of 963.4 Mu (64.2 hectares), and are working on constructing a fence to protect the trees.
图2 2013-1林地栽植效果 (4月26日摄)
Plots 2013-2 and 2013-3 have been planted and secured with the help of the Tree Plantation in Molimiao, and enjoy a relatively better environment. Based on research investigation and local experience, trees, maple trees, Chinese pines and Scots pine trees are the selected species planted this year to enhance the biodiversity of the forests.
Plot 2013-2 is small and is owned by local farmer, but is diverse in vegetation species. As of May 14th, an area of 330 Mu (22 hectares) has been completely planted with a combination of maple trees, Chinese pine trees and Scots pine trees. According to the forest inspections on May 18th, the maple trees have sprouted and the two species of pine are in good condition!
图3 2013-2林地情况 (5月18日摄)
2013-3 is the largest plot this year. We have planted poplar trees around the boundaries of the forest area that will act as a protective barrier. Yellowhorn trees, which are local and valuable for the oil they yield, and Scots pine trees are the main species here. 2013-3 was also the site of our tree-planting trip this year, where our volunteers planted 4,748 yellowhorn and Scots pine trees from April 12th-26th.
图4志愿者运送樟子松苗(4月21日摄) 图5 志愿者在挖树坑 (4月21日摄)
图6 志愿者移动浇水的水管(4月14日摄) 图7志愿者分配文冠果苗(4月21日摄)
After inspection, the trees planted by our volunteers have met our expectations; most of the yellowhorns have survived, and the survival rate of the pine trees is above 85%. As of May 18th, the protective poplar tree boundary has been completed, but the underground temperature is still too low for setting up the drip irrigation pipe. The remaining yellowhorn and Scots pine trees are expected to be planted at the end of May or early June, and relevant data will be collected following their completion.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the hardworking volunteers who joined our trip as well as the ones who were not able to come: thank-you for all your concern, support, and hard work!
林道旁杨树防护林带; 发芽的文冠果
The protective boundary of poplar trees ; Yellowhorn sprouts
Scots pine trees site ; Yellowhorn site