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2014-1林地报告 Plot 2014-1 Updates

2024年林地报告 Forest Report in 2024

· 林地报告 Forest Reports

林地基本信息 Basic info

位置 Location: 科尔沁后旗巴胡塔苏木边界嘎查 Bianjie Gacha, Bahuta Sumu,Keerqinhouqi

面积 Area:1114亩/74.26 hectares

树种 Species:杨树 Poplar

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图 1. 2014-1林地卫星图

Image 1. Forest satellite map of Plot 2014-1 


Hybrid poplars were planted on three sandy plots, in cooperation with Zhaogen Gacha (village) and Bianjie Gacha in Bahuta Sumu in 2014. The afforestation and enclosure work took place on the three sandy lands of two villages to restore the degraded land.


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图2. 2014-1林地生长数据

Image 2. The growth data of Plot 2014-1


According to the forest survey, the total afforestation area of the project is 257.33 hectares, with 343,540 poplar trees and 20,200 meters of fences. The overall survival rate of three forest plots was 68%. Among them, Plot 2014-2 was 53%. The changes in the annual survival rates and the comparison with two other plots were shown in the below chart. The three plots showed a significant increase in survival rate in 2024. The Plot 2014-2 and 2014-3 had a significant increase in survival rate, because thecompensatory replanting to replenish some of the seedling loss due to the construction of high voltage power projects during the 2021-2022 period.

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图 3. 2014年三块林地的保存率对比及其年际变化

Image 3. Comparison of survival rates and their inter-annual variability in three forest plots


The Plot 2014-1 was in good condition, with many trees as high as 5.5 meters or more, indicating that the overall growth was healthy. The tree heights in Plot 2014-2 had a concentration below 3 meters, with obvious shrubbing signs. The tree heights in Plot 2014-3 relatively concentrated between 3-6 meters, no shrubbings, but at a slower growth rate. The overall growth of Plot 2014-3 was healthy. Further monitoring is needed.

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图 4. 2014年三块林地的树高均值变化

Image 4. Changes of average tree height in three forest plots


The Changes in basal diameter and diameter at breast height (DBH) were essentially the same. They were increasing as the trees grew. The DBH was measured at a height of 1.3 m from the trunk. The percentage of measurable DBH continued to increase, indicating that trees were keeping growing. The absolute value was considered rather low. The shrubbing stuation was striking in Plot 2014-2.

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图 5. 2014年三块林地的地径均值变化

Image 5. Changes of average basal diameter in three forest plots

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图 6. 2014年三块林地的胸径均值变化

Image 6. Changes of average DBH in three forest plots

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图 7. 2014年三块林地的可测量胸径比例变化

Image 7. The percentage changes of measurable DBH in three forest plots


During the forest visit in summer, poplars were growing well, with dense overgrown branches on the bottom, a few shrubbing signs. A large amount of dead leaves and branches started to acuumulate on the surface in the forest sites, forming a cover on the sands. There were traces of grazing within the forest, which didn't affect the trees, but leading a greater negative impact on the vegetation. Ponding was also found in the forest site. The areas was rather small, so very few trees were affected.

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图 8. 林地航拍图,2024.6.27

Image 8. The aerial photo, June 27, 2024

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图 9. 林地航拍图,2024.6.27

Image 9. The aerial photo, June 27, 2024

林地赞助商列表 Forest Sponser List 

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