林地基本信息 Basic info
位置 Location:科尔沁后旗努古斯台镇白音淖尔嘎查 Baiyinnaoer Gacha, Nugusitai, Keerqinhouqi
面积 Area:2538亩 / 169.2 hectares
树种 Species:樟子松 Pine

图 1. 2016年林地卫星图,2016-1(青),2016-2(蓝)
Image 1. 2016 Forest satellite map, Plot 2016-1 (cyan) and 2016-2 (blue)
林地生长数据 Forest Growth Data
Cooperating with the Forestry Bureau in Keerqinzuoyihou Qi, Tongliao, MTP contributed to the ecological restoration of 2 sandy land plots in 2016, including scotch pines, poplars and elms. The two plots were adjacent to each other and had similar standing conditions, while 2016-1 was relatively flat and irrigated, with the pine as the main afforestation species.

图2. 2016-1林地樟子松生长数据
Image 2. The growth data of pines in Plot 2016-1
In 2024, the overall survival rate of 2016 Forest was 72.86%. The survival rate for 2016-1 was 64.17% and for 2016-2 was 79.38%. The survival rates of each sample sites in Plot 2016-2 are shown in the below graph. It shows that the survival rates of each sample sites did not change much indvidually. But there were huge differences between each sample site. The maintenance of the sample sites close to the roads were better than the others. The survival rates of all the sample sites were maintained over 60% in general.

图3. 2016-1各样地保存率对比
Image 3. Survival rates of each sample sites in Plot 2016-1
The average tree heights of all species increased in both forest plots, with a greater increase in pines. And elms were gradually stabilized after 2021 and entered a rapid growth period. The increase in the growth of average basal diameter and diameter at breast height (DBH) of pines indicated that the pines were growing significantly. These two average values were even greater than those of poplars. Poplar had a slow increase in basal diameter and DBH, which was in a stable stage. Elms had entered a faster growth period, with significant increases in both indicators.

图4. 各树种树高均值对比
Image 4. Comparison of average tree heights of all tree species

图5. 各树种地径均值对比
Image 5. Comparison of average basal diameters of all tree species

图6. 各树种胸径均值对比
Image 6. Comparison of average DBHs of all tree species
林地情况说明 Forest Description
The pines were in good condition, and a lot of branches were accumulated on the bottom. Some trees needed to be pruned. The rows of trees were very clear.
图7. 林地航拍图,2024.7.11
Image 7. The aerial photo, July 11, 2024
图8. 林地航拍图,2024.7.11
Image 8. The aerial photo, July 11, 2024
During the forest visit, some grazing was founded in the forest. The vegetation of the forest was in good condition, with a thick cover of dead leaves and herbaceous plants on the bare ground surface in most areas. The missing seedling areas and the middle of the tree rows were partially replanted with native tree species such as elm.
林地赞助商列表 Forest Sponsor List