林地概况 Forest Basic Information
To date, MTP has successfully planted 2,428,012 trees on 37 forest plots, covering an area of 34,022.15 Mu (nearly 22.68 km2) in Inner Mongolia. In 2019, MTP has planted one plot of sandy land with the total area of 1709 Mu, namely 2019-1. More details could be seen in the graph below. (1 Ha=15 Mu)
栽植树种 Type of Trees
To date, we’ve planted eight different species in MTP forests, including one to two years old hybrid poplar, yellow horn, maple (Acer Mono), 3-year-old pine (container seedlings), 2-year-old elm, one-year Caragana Microphylla (container seedlings), 2-year-old willow, and 2-year-old Phellodendron amurense.
Details of each planted species are as follows: 1,326,708 hybrid poplars, 72,483 yellow horns, 957,379 pines, 59,617 maples (Acer Monoes) and 11,825 willows. Please note that the survival rate of Caragana Microphylla is too low to record statistics. As the amount of Phellodendron amurense is rather small, and they are very sparse over the sites, we didn’t record the statistics either. Also, since the elms and poplars are mixed together, and shared similarities in characters, we categorized both of them as poplars to count.
The proportion of different species is shown in the graph below:
存活率 Survival Rate
Based on our data and measurement, the overall survival rate of all MTP forests in 2019 is 69.5%.
The overall survival rate is slowly going down from 2009 to 2019. The forest survival rate is maintaining in about 70%. Through the graph below, except plots 2014 and 2015, all other plots’ survival rate are above 60%
The graph below shows the survival rates of all planting sites in 2019: