林地基本信息 Basic info
位置 Location:内蒙古通辽市科尔沁左翼后旗双胜镇新建村 Xinjian Village, Shuangsheng Town, Keerqinzuoyihou Qi, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia
面积 Area:961亩 / 64 hectares
树种 Species:杨树 Poplars

图 1. 2021-1林地轮廓图
Image 1. Plot 2021-1 skeleton map
The 2021-1 Plot was the forest that MTP had carried out ecological restoration in one barren land, in cooperation with the villagers of Inner Mongolia Korqin Zuoyi Houqi Jinbaotun. The site is located near the Liao River and on the south of the village, dividing a large area of farmland on the east and west sides, and blocking the wind erosion of farmland in spring and winter. Since the terrain is flat and close to the river, the planting species are mainly hybrid poplars that grow fast.
In the summer of 2022, there was continuing heavy rainfall in the area. The trees were damaged and died after being flooded for a long time. In the fall of 2023 and spring of 2024, the forest was replanted, and the survival rate of Plot 2021-1 in 2024 was 90%. Survival rates were also generally high across the sampled sites in the 2024 forest-wide sample, and the quality of replanting was good, ensuring the overall forest survival.

图2. 2021-1林地生长数据
Image 2. The growth data of Plot 2021-1
Since the 1-year-old and 2-year-old bare-root seedlings and cutting measure were used to replant this forest, most of the tree height and the average values of tree height were low. The poplars higher than 1.3 m (location of the diameter at breast height) were planted in previous years and had grown for 3 years, with higher overall growth data but in smaller numbers, and the diameter at breast height averages mainly reflect the condition of these poplars, which was 1.91 cm. In order to more visually represent the differences between the stands, the tree height values of the measured poplars are summarized below:

图3. 2021-1林地树高对比
Image 3. The tree height comparison of Plot 2021-1
It can be seen that most of the trees are concentrated in the height of 0.5-1.5 meters, which are the replanting seedlings in 2023-2024, and the cutting measure makes the height of the trees concentrated in the height of less than 1.5 m, which is conducive to the root system of poplar seedlings. The height distribution of the poplar trees from previous years is more scattered, and the growth difference is larger.
As this forest was near the Liao River, the road to forest was always be blocked in the 2023 rainy summer. Full replanting of the forest was completed in the fall of 2023 and spring of 2024.
图4. 补植后的树行,2024.5.15
Image 4. The tree rows after replanting, May 15, 2024
图5. 2021年存活的苗木,缺漏部分进行了补植,2024.5.15
Image 5. Seedlings surviving in 2021, with missing portions replanted, May 15, 2024

图6. 苗木被杂草掩埋缠绕(左)摄于10月28日,截干后发芽的苗木(右)摄于5月15日
Image 6. Seedlings buried and entangled in weeds(left), October 28, 2024.
Truncated and germinated seedlings(right), May 15, 2024.
The fores was replanted by pulling ditch and cutting measure, with good germination in spring and clear tree rows; however, it was found in the fall survey that since the forest originally belonged to farmland, after the cessation of crop planting in 2024, the weed growth was very luxuriant, and a large number of seedlings were buried and entangled by weeds, resulting in the death of a small portion of the seedlings. In summary, the forest is in good condition, the quality of replanting is also good, and the overall growth of the forest is optimistic. However, it is still in the initial planting period and is relatively fragile. In terms of objective factors, the forest is still at risk of waterlogging, and the dense weeds need to be weeded and nurtured.