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In this spring, MTP team continued visiting forest sites, and keeping tracking of how the trees have been growing in the following forest sites planted in Kunlun Qi and Keerqinzuoyihou Qi, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia during 2012 to 2020.

2016-1 林地 Forest Site


The growth of the trees in this forest site is in good condition, especially the pines which grew very fast, 10 to 20 cm in average. The poplars, elms and maples had sprouted completely.

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The ariel photosshow complete and clear tree lines of pines and poplars, so the trees have been preserved very well.  

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2016-2 林地 Forest Site


The trees havebeen growing well in this forest site, where the pines grew fast. The tree
lines showed clear in most areas. A few areas had missing spots, where maples
were planted to replenish.

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2019-1 林地 Forest Site


The preservationof pines was good, with the moderate growth speed of about 10 cm. The other planted species, maples were not very well preserved. Most of the maples had grown
leaves, but some were covered by dry grass. These needed further care.  


The caragana enteredthe flower season, and were growing strong.  

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2012-5 林地 Forest Site


The preservationstatus of this forest is uneven, with some missing trees in some areas. A part
of the trees were growing very well, but some were growing rather lower.  

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2017-1 林地 Forest Site


The preservationin this forest site was good, with clear tree lines, and the pines were growing
very fast.  

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2018-1 林地 Forest Site


The tree lines were very clear, There was no sign of loss in trees. The preservation was good, and the trees were growing in a normal speed.

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2018-2 林地 Forest Site


The preservation was fine. There were some loss of trees in the tree lines. There were also interplantings in between tree lines.

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2018-3 林地 Forest Site


The preservation of this forest site was good without any obvious loss of trees. The tree lines were clear. The pines grew fast.

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2020-1 林地 Forest Site


The replated tree species were mostly made up of elms. Some maples were also replanted. Most of the replanted saplings survived. It was esitimated that 80% of them were sprouting and growing leaves. The replanting work was of high qulity. Further observation is needed, especially when it comes to how grazing will affect the growth of the saplings.

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