林地基本信息 Basic info
位置 Location: 科尔沁左翼后旗甘旗卡镇 Ganqika Town, Horqin Zuoyi Houqi
面积 Area:579.9亩 / 38.66 hectares
树种 Species:杨树 Poplars

图 1. 2023-2林轮廓图
Image 1. Plot 2023-2 skeleton map
林地生长数据 Forest Growth Data
In 2023, cooperating with the local farmer in Horqin Zuoyi Houqi, Tongliao, MTP contributed to the ecological restoration in a sandy land plot and a farmland plot by planting a mix of poplars, Acer mono (maples), elms and caragana microphylla Lam. The main species was poplars. Maples, elms and caragana microphylla Lam were planted in the areas with severe desertification.

图2. 林地两年保存率对比
Image 2. Comparison of the survival rates of the two forest plots in two years
There are several issues in the 2023-1 forest site, such as uneven terrain, large areas of bare sand, grazing etc. In 2023, the survival rate in this forest site was not good. In 2024, the survival rate increased significantly after the replanting work in most areas. The 2023-2 forest site was very suitable for afforestation, but grazing also existed. In 2023, the 2023-2 site’s survival rate was a bit low, and was raised a lot after the comprehensive replanting in 2024. The overall survival rate of all the forests planted in was 92% in 2024.

图3. 2023-2林地生长数据
Image 3. 2023-2 forest growth data
The survival rate of 2023-2 forest was 90%. During the forest survey, when the number of trees alive in the sample plot was less than 50% of the total trees, this sample plot would be considered as unqualified in afforestation. None of the sampled plots was unqualified, which is a strong evidence that the replanting work was carried out very well.
林地情况说明 Forest Description
The main tree species of the 2023-2 forest site was poplars. A comprehensive replanting was completed in 2024, and there was no interplanting in this forest, so the survival rate was significantly improved.
Image 4. The tree rows of poplars after replanting, May 16, 2024

Image 5. The sprouting poplar seedlings, May 16, 2024
Poplar seedlings replanted in the forest were stemmed. During the spring forest survey, the germination was good. There was no interplanting of other crops in the forest site. A lot of residual grass were left on the ground and some traces of grazing were also found. As poplars are very resilient, the forest is at relatively low risk. But further monitoring is still needed.
林地赞助商列表 Forest Sponsor List