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2023年宁夏林地报告 Plot 2023-NX Updates

2024年林地报告 Forest Report in 2024

· 林地报告 Forest Reports

林地基本信息 Basic info

位置 Location:宁夏自治区灵武市白芨滩国家级保护区

Baijitan National Nature Reserve, Lingwu, Ningxia

面积 Area:1300亩/86.7hectares

树种 Species:柠条、花棒、沙拐枣以及沙蒿

Caragana Korshinskii Kom, Hedysarum scoparium, Artemisia ordosica and Calligonum mongolicum

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图 1. 2023-NX林地航拍

Image 1. The aerial photo of Plot 2023-NX

林地大致情况 Overview of the Forest

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图 2. 2023-NX林地地面照片

Image 2. The ground photo of Plot 2023-NX


The Million Tree Project continued its desert control efforts in cooperation with Baijitan Tree Farm in 2023. Another 260,000 shrubs have been planted, covering a total area of 86.7 hectares in Baijitan Nature Reserve.

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图 3. 2023-NX林地生长数据

Image 3. The growth data of Plot 2023-NX


In 2024, the forest survey found that the survival rate of the shrubs in 2023-NX forest site was 60.56%. The average height of the shrubs was 21 cm and the average radius was 13.19 cm. The results showed that the vegetation coverage of 2023-NX has some fluctuation in coverage due to climate, and survival rate is already much improved compared to 2023 forest survey.

生态调查说明 Forest Description

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图 4. 宁夏各年份林地林地生物多样性指标

Image 4. Biodiversity Index of the Forest Sites Planted in Each Year


The 2024 Ningxia Forest survey covered 8 forest sites, investigating species diversity index, dominant species, vegetation structure and vegetation coverage. It revealed that the diversity was highly associated with the conditions of the forest sites. The changes in the amount of the
species had a tendency of increasing in the beginning and decreasing afterwards. No relation was found between the year of planting and the richness and evenness of the species. The findings on dominant species were coherent to the forest survey results of recent years. Agriophyllum squarrosum, as an annual plant was the dominant species in the forests in the early years. After straw grids were constructed and shrubs were planted, the perennial plants and shrubs took over, indicating that microclimate in the forests improved by the afforestation work.

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图 5. 宁夏各年份林地林地植被结构变化

Image 5. Vegetation Structure of the Forest Sites Planted in Each Year in Ningxia


There were initially few layers of herbs in the forest sites. After the afforestation, the herb layers were gradually replaced by multi-herb layers and then shrub layers. It was in coherence with our understanding of the ecological system. Overall, the ecosystem was restored after the straw grids constructed and shrubs planted in the forest sites. In 2024, the vegetation coverage of each forest sites all increased. This was very likely associated with the increase in rainfall. The climate change-induced rainfall was an unusual phenomenon. The risks of extreme weather events under climate change have been on the rise, which will affect the local ecosystem significantly. MTP team will keep monitoring and collecting data on it.

林地赞助商列表 Forest Sponsor List

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