From August 23 to September 3, a total of 119 volunteers from 12 companies and 1 school came to Lingwu City, Ningxia, to visit the Baijitan National Nature Reserve and learn about its story of fighting desertification.

志愿者在百万植树计划2024年林地 王凯摄
The volunteers on the MTP 2024 Ningxia Forest land, Photo by Kai Wang
During the trip, the weather in Ningxia was particularly unpredictable, so volunteers had gained a deeper understanding of the difficulty in desertification control. The work of making straw grids started with the scorching sun overhead. One person paved the straw, and the other used the shovel to firmly place the straw on the sand. The thickness of straw and the spacing of the grids shall be carefully adjusted, with straight rows and intervals of 1 meter. Proper use of the shovel should also be paid attention to. As soon as it rains, sowing seeds must be carried out right away. Straw grids can reduce wind speed on the ground surface, conserve water, and keep grass seeds inside, thereby promoting the growth of shrubs and herbaceous plants.

志愿者在扎制草方格 郭珈源摄
Volunteers were making straw grids, Photo by Jiayuan Guo

志愿者在草方格中点播草籽 郭珈源摄
Volunteers were sowing shrub seeds, Photo by Jiayuan Guo
The volunteers went to the MTP 2022 Forest, where they felt the effectiveness of all the desertification control methods firsthand. The forest was lush with various herbaceous plants after two years. The straw grids were still visible on the ground. The Caragana Korshinskii Kom planted two years ago had grown tall. Volunteers also participated in the nature detective games. By studying from the cards of plants, they learnt more about the increase of biodiversity and ecological restoration brought by the forests.

上海根与芽工作人员向志愿者介绍林地情况 郭珈源摄
The staff of SRS was introducing the forest basics to volunteers, Photo by Jiayuan Guo

志愿者参与自然探索活动 郭珈源摄
The volunteers were taking part in the nature detective games, Photo by Jiayuan Guo
The Sand Control Museum at Baijitan Nature Reserve offered the volunteers a broad view of the long history and achievements on fighting desertification through decades. The workshops on Ecological Niche and Desertification Collage motivated the volunteers to learn new things and brainstorm with a team.

志愿者参观治沙博物馆 郭珈源摄
The volunteers were visiting the Sand Control Museum, Photo by Jiayuan Guo

志愿者参与沙漠化拼图工作坊 郭珈源摄
The volunteers in the Desertification Collage Workshop, Photo by Jiayuan Guo

志愿者参与生态位工作坊 郭珈源摄
The volunteers in the Ecological Niche Workshop, Photo by Jiayuan Guo
At the end of the event, many people were still marveled at the image they saw on the hilltop at Baijitai, on one side a completely original desert, on the other side an endless green field covered with rows of shrubs and straw grids. The achievements were all made by generations of Baijitan Nature Reserve workers. Without their hard work, there would be no Baijitan today. Shanghai Roots & Shoots and volunteers from different companies and schools, also expressed the desire to make efforts along with them to continue the spirit of fighting desertification in Baijitan.

白芨滩中的原始沙漠与灌木林地 郭珈源摄
The original desert on the background of the forests at Baijitan, Photo by Jiayuan Guo

百万植树计划2024年宁夏林地赞助商纪念碑 郭珈源摄
The MTP 2024 Ningxia Forest Plaque, Photo by Jiayuan Guo