This year, MTP is going to try a new tree species: Pinus sylvestnis var. mongolica Litv. These pines are mainly distributed in Heilongjiang, Jiling, Liaoning, Gansu and Inner Mongolia, and are one of the best tree species for reforestation in northern China. These pines stay alive very long, usually 150-200 years old. They can stand with dry, could and windy environment. The ecological and economical outcome of these pines are pretty nice.
今年百万植树计划尝试种植一个全新的树种:樟子松。樟子松主要分布在黑龙江,吉林,辽宁,甘肃,内蒙古等省份,是我国三北地区主要优良造林树种之一,寿命长(一般年龄达 150-200年),具有耐旱、耐寒、抗风等特性,和较高的生态和经济效益。

Forestry Manange, Sun Litao, holding pine seedlings 林业技术主管孙利涛手持樟子松树苗 (by Megan Li, 2011)
According to schedule, the 510 Mu (34 hectare) pine site for this year is located north of Ha Hai Go village, Liu Jia Zi town, Kulun Qi, Inner Mongolia. All the planting work should be finished before the July rain season ends. During 1 July to 4 July, 30 volunteers from Standard Chartered Bank visited Kulun Qi and took part in the pine tree planting work. Despite the hot weather, these bankers who used to sit in offices worked really hard with local farmers. Within the planting of one day and a half, this energetic team planted over 2,400 pines in total! That is a very impressive achievement. By 20 July, all the 68,000 pines within schedule have been successfully planted into the land, making the total number of trees planted in the Million Tree Project reaches over 600,000!

SCB volunteers helped planting the pines 渣打银行志愿者团队参与樟子松种植 (by CHEN Ting, 2011)