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2016 MTP Trip Review |


· 博客 Blog

Since 2007, Shanghai Roots & Shoots has been planting trees in Inner Mongolia to stop desertification and benefit the locals. It has been a long and hard journey, but we have been able to make a difference with the public support and the efforts of our staff and volunteers.


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Over the years, our annual tree planting trip has always been an exciting time and this year was no different.

Throughout April 2016, trips were held for 200 volunteers to travel to Inner Mongolia for planting. 1961 trees had been planted, which covers an area of 2.33 Hectares and 5000 Poplars planted in 2012 had been pruned.


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Each trip lasts 4 days and 3 nights, with each day holding a slew of activities. Through diligent work, volunteers had a better understanding of the local environment problems and the importance of tree planting in local area. The process, although simple, has always made a great impact on everyone.

These trips have always been meaningful and we are eager to share it with more and more individuals. 2016 is the 10th year of the Million Tree Project and we are about to achieve the second million goal later this year. The efforts that we are continually achieving is due to everyone’s hard work and generous support. We hope to get more people involved and bring more focus to the environment.



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Volunteers must measure, mark, and dig the holes before actually planting. Each hole needs to be 2.4 cm away from each other and the holes had to be deep enough for the roots system to grow; it also had to be in the form of a square. Once the sapling was put into the hole, volunteers need to refill the hole with soil and stomp firm in the hole. This year, local farmers helped us water all the trees after the planting was done.

Pruning was also a simple task. Using shears or a saw, volunteers had to cut competing branches off to make sure trees are growing more healthily.




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