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2022 International Gibbon Day Events

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In 2022, Shanghai Roots &Shoots and Shanghai Zoo again held the International Gibbon Day series events together, to raise the awareness of protecting the endangered gibbons. The
school groups have participated in these events to learn about the importance of gibbons in our ecosystem.


In late September, the students from more than 10 schools joined the online training. During the session, Shanghai Roots & Shoots staff introduced the basic knowledge about gibbon and the program regarding Cao Vit Gibbon in Guangxi. Ms. Zhang at Shanghai Zoo then introduced the gibbons living in the zoo and the enrichment work. Next day, the students visited gibbons at Shanghai Zoo. They observed the gibbons and their behaviors. The Shanghai Zoo staff demonstrated how enrichment worked for the gibbons.

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经过一个多月的准备、设计、制作和展示,7个小组完成作品,并在线面向公众投票评选。其中包括上海杨思高级中学"臂翼双飞"团队、上海协和双语高级中学古北校区" 修勾"团队、上海嘉定区桃李园实验学校“加加护猿队”、上海虹桥国际学校、上海文来实验学校根与芽社团、上海杨思初级中学“领新护猿2.0”和上海纽约大学。(丰容作品视频可点击此处查看)。经过6000多位网友票选和上海动物园的专家评分,综合得分最高的是文来实验学校的“手敲琴”、加加护猿队的“手鼓”和虹桥国际学校的竹制风铃。

The students did research, brainstorming and designing on their own. They all made their enrichment toys for the gibbons and a short video clip to introduce their work. The video clips
were put online for the public to vote for the best one. These works were presented by the following schools, Yangsi Senior High School, United School Gubei, Taoli Experimental School, Hongqiao International School, Wenlai Experimental School, Yangsi Middle School and Shanghai New York University. (Please check out their videos here.) More than 6000 people voted online. The expert from Shanghai Zoo also rated the works. Combined these ratings, it turned out that the winners are Wenlai, Taoli and HQIS.

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On October 23, Dr. Pengfei Fanfrom Zhongshan University was invited to speak about the gibbons in China. Dr. Fan is the leading researcher in the primatology, and also who discovered and named the White-cheek Macaque and Skywalker Gibbon. He talked about how gibbons are
distributed in the world and in China. Gibbons are one of the primates, which are very close to human being in genes. They used to be found in many places across China, such as Yangzi River areas. But now only five types of gibbons exist in China, and they can only be found in four provinces, Yunan, Guangxi, Hainan and Xizang. Gibbons are an essential part of our culture as well. They were featured in ancient poetry and paintings. To protect them, we need to protect and restore their habitat.


On October 24, Shanghai Roots& Shoots livestreamed on Weibo to speak with Guangxi Bangliang Gibbon National Nature Reserve. The chief of the nature reserve, Mr. Jiang Yang and his team introduced the history of the nature reserve and showed the audience the view
of the nature reserve on the boarder of China and Vietnam. The staff of publicity department talked about her work of promoting Cao Vit Gibbon in the local villages. The research team leader, Mr. Lin gave us a peek to how they monitor and follow the gibbon families on the top of the mountains in the nature reserve. Thanks to them, the conservation of Cao Vit Gibbon was a successful case of protecting endangered wild life. (Click here to watch the livestream)

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11月26日,获奖小组们带着这些充满创意的丰容玩具来到上海动物园灵长类动物馆,给长臂猿伙伴们带去“惊喜”!在饲养员的协助下,虹桥国际学校制作的“竹风铃”被挂进了合趾猿“发发”所在展区。“发发”对新来的玩具充满好奇,她先食用了“竹风铃”里放置的新鲜食物,然后不断摆弄竹筒,琢磨着铃声从何而来。看到“发发”上蹿下跳玩着玩具,大家情不自禁发出惊讶声和欢呼声。 (回看活动直播

On November 26, the winners of the enrichment toy competition brought their work to Shanghai Zoo to give them to the gibbons living there. The staff of Shanghai Zoo helped to placed the work of Hongqiao International School, Bamboo Chime in the living space of the
gibbon called Fafa. Fafa was very curious when facing the new toy. She ate the fruits inside the chime and kept playing with chime. It appeared that she wants to figure out how the bells made the sound. Watching Fafa getting excited about the enrichment toy, the students can’t help cheering together.

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Gibbons are the flagship species in the forest, a symbol of a healthy forest. Protecting them is protecting the ecosystem. Many thanks to all the participants and supporters of the educational events. We look forward to another gathering next year!