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2024-2 林地报告 Plot 2024-2 Updates

2024年林地报告 Forest report in 2024

· 林地报告 Forest Reports

林地基本信息 Basic info

位置 Location: 内蒙古通辽市科尔沁左翼后旗常胜镇

Changsheng Town, Horqin Zuoyi Houqi, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia

面积 Area:583亩 / 38.86 hectares

树种 Species:杨树 Poplars

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图 1. 2024-2林地轮廓图

Image 1. Plot 2024-2skeleton map

林地生长数据 Forest Growth Data


In 2024, cooperating with the local farmer in Horqin Zuoyi Houqi, Tongliao, MTP contributed to the ecological restoration in five sandy land plots. All the five forest plots were near the Changsheng Town and the main afforestation species was poplar. The 2024 Forest was retired sandy wasteland with heavily exposed sandy surfaces, good standing conditions, relatively flat, close to villages and some degree of grazing. Overall, the survival rates of the five forest plots were in a good state.

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图2. 林地保存率对比

Image 2. Comparison of the survival rates of the five forest plots


The survival rate of Plot 2024-2 was 95.83%. The 2024 Forest was planted in high-density mode with 1-2 years old poplar bare-root seedlings. And most of the seedlings were planted with stem-cutting treatment, so the seedlings were small, and the average values of tree height, ground diameter, diameter at breast height, and other indexes were all low. Due to the small size of the seedlings in the initial planting, the growth data were not indicative of the actual problem for the time being and would need to be accumulated over a period of time.

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图3. 2024-2林地生长数据

Image 3. The forest growth data of Plot 2024-2

林地情况说明 Forest Description


The Plot 2024-2 was pure poplar forest, and much of the surrounding area was farmland. The poplars were planted with stem-cutting treatment, with good germination and clear tree rows.

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图4. 截干后发芽的杨树行,2024.5.28

Image 4. Poplar rows germinated after stem cutting, May 28, 2024

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图5. 2024-2林地航拍图,2024.5.28

Image 5. Aerial photo of Plot 2024-2, May 28, 2024


The forest land was relatively flat and close to the village. However, the roads to forest were in poor condition, creating some degree of difficulty in subsequent nurturing. And there was a high degree of land exposure in most areas because years of farming. Due to the abundant rainfall in 2024, the survival rate of the forest was good, and the subsequent growth needs further observation.

林地赞助商列表 Forest Sponsor List

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