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CCBM Gets Well Deserved Recognition for Going Green

· 博客 Blog

In November 2009 the CHaINA Awards recognized excellence in China's supply chain and logistics industry for the fifth year. Among the coveted awards was one for Green Supply Chain, designed to recognize a company that genuinely integrates environmental action into their business.

The Green Supply Chain award was granted to Coca-Cola Bottlers Manufacturing (Dongguan), an esteemed partner of Shanghai Roots & Shoots. The votes were cast by CCBM's peers in other manufacturing and retail companies.


Over the past three years, R&S philosophy and programs have become an integral part of CCBM's corporate culture and policy. CEO Ainsley Mann, a role model in the field of corporate social and environmental responsibility, served as the impetus, educating his employees about R&S programs like the Million Tree Project and inspiring them to take proactive environmental action. His enthusiasm has clearly trickled down. Many of CCBM's environmental initiatives are now fueled internally, with employees at all levels voluntarily participating and even proposing new, creative initiatives of their own.

CCBM's environmental initiatives include:

  • Collaborating with its logistics supplier companies to calculate and offset carbon emissions from outbound transportation by donating trees to the Million Tree Project
  • Using waste tealeaves as compost to grow an organic garden near bottling factories
  • Water waste reduction at factories
  • Spreading environmental education to schools through the Shanghai Roots & Shoots Youth for Environmental Sustainability (YES) Program
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Coca-Cola Bottlers Manufacturing and its supplier companies are the top sponsors of the Million Tree Project, having donated 10,875 trees in 2008, 66,635 trees in 2009, and 85,987 trees in 2010 -- a grand total of 163,497 trees!