This year's planting trip to Inner Mongolia was a bit special, as it's also the twentieth anniverary of Shanghai Root & Shoots (SRS). The volunteers from different schools and companies shared their feelings of this planting journey and expressed their good wishes for SRS.

"While feeling the beauty, we should also produce beauty," said by one of the volunteers.

Some volunteers had been to Inner Mongolia several times. The great prairie didn't seem to have an end, the winds blew up the thick grass to the places that eyes could not reach. Under the most original scene of nature. Magnificent poems occupied their minds. "[Under boundless sky, on vast plains,] cows and sheep can be seen when the wind blows and grass lowers", "The desert sand is just like snows on the ground, and the moon is like a hook chasing the mount". However, when jumping out of the idea of traveling and follow the team of SRS into the deep desert of Keerqin where the sand were blowing in the sky, everyone started to have some special emotions. Most of volunteers were from big cities, and they might never see the part behind the beauty of the nature. So, when facing the desert caused by human, they all wanted to try their best to do something.

Some volunteers asked SRS staff some questions about planting. They realized that the two days of work actually did very little for our whole project. However, they did not give up. They still stuck to the ground and did the project little by little. Even the girls never complained about the exhausting works: digging, filling the ground, moving the trees, and cutting the leaves. After the activity, many volunteers' fingers were hurt by the rough barks, and their bodies were tired and limp. But they never said a word, on contrary, they ridiculed themselves and said that they should do more works like this, during the sharing meeting.

Besides the employees of many companies, there were also many high school students in our volunteer team. They were mostly first in our team, but leading by their teachers, they also put great passion in our project. From their aspect, this trip to the desert was far from the city. The most impressive part was that they learned a lot about the knowledge of desertification, planting, and environment protection. Teachers were moved deeper, not only because students and themselves grew up in the activity but also because their schools' continuing support on Million Tree Project.
During the sharing meeting, some volunteers said, they would come back here after several years with their awareness of environmental protection, maybe also with their child, to propagandize the good behaviour. Finally, our volunteers' sincere blessing for the twentieth-year birthday of SRS gave us stronger beliefs. We believe that, ten years later, twenty years later, even many years later, as long as our love for our planet doesn't fade away, we will still be together and do something, no matter what is in front of us.