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活动报道|上海动物园动物“猿”漫步活动 Zoowalk in Shanghai Zoo

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Gibbons are one of the most endangered primates in the world, with habitat loss and fragmentation being the main reasons for their sharp decline in population. On June 16th, nature and animal enthusiasts, keen to learn more about gibbons, came together to join the gibbon-themed Zoowalk to know more about endangered animals, wildlife conservation, and habitat restoration while enjoying the park's lively atmosphere.


The event first kicked off with a visit to the Distribution Map of the Rare Animals of China, where participants got their eyesight challenged. How many primates are there on the Distribution Map? How many provinces are the gibbons distributed at? Through this activity, participants gained a preliminary understanding of the distribution of rare animals in China.

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中国珍稀动物分布图 DistributionMap of the RareAnimals of China


At the Chimpanzee Exhibition Area, participants learned more about enrichment facilities for animals from our volunteers, and they went on to find enrichment facilities within the House, such as rope ladders and wooden frames, that allow chimpanzees to move around and play, much like they would in the wild. Gibbons and chimpanzees all belongs to ape family. Participants also learned about the unique characteristics of apes, such as the fact that they do not have tails.

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黑猩猩馆 Chimpanzee Exhibition Area

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志愿者在黑猩猩馆进行科普 Volunteers briefing Participants outside the Chimpanzee Exhibition Area


At the Giraffe Exhibition Area, participants “competed” in height with the giraffe statue outside. Here, participants learned that the long neck of a giraffe and the long arms of a gibbon are the result of millions of years of evolutionary adaptions and are their proudest advantages.

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长颈鹿馆 Giraffe Exhibition Area


The game at the South China Tiger Exhibit Area challenged participants' vision to spot the tiger out among the animal cards. The volunteers highlighted concepts such as the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the rationale behind classification of endangered levels of wildlife, and the current endangered status of the South China tiger and the gibbon.

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志愿者在华南虎展区进行科普 Volunteers briefing Participants outside the South China Tiger Exhibition Area

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参与者寻找卡片上的老虎 Finding the tiger on Animal Cards


The event concluded with an observation of the gibbons, where staff from Shanghai Roots & Shoots led everyone in observing the gibbons and introduced the main star of the event, the gibbon. Participants were then tested about their knowledge through a quiz, learning fascinating facts about the diversity of China's gibbon populations. As a lasting memento, attendees created drawings on gibbon postcards, depicting their most memorable moments from the zoo tour, ranging from adorable pandas to intriguing animal skulls,which made a interesting ending for this event.

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Staff from Shanghai Roots & Shoots introducing gibbons in the Gibbon Exhibition Area

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参与者参与互动问答 Participants in the Q&A Session

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Participants sharing their Memorable Moments in the Zoo through Postcard Drawings