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2024年内蒙古林地种植完成 MTP Completed 2024 Forest Planting in Inner Mongolia

· 博客 Blog


The Million Tree Project 2024 forest is located at Changsheng Town, Horqin Zuoyi Houqi, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia. The total area of trees planted on this plot is 80.4 hectares, owned by local farmers.

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2024年内蒙林地纪念碑 2024 Inner Mongolia Forest Plaque


The forestland encompasses a total of five plots, located near Changsheng Town. Taking the local climate and hydrologic conditions into consideration, Poplars have been selected as the main tree species. All planting work has been completed. Moving forward, enhanced tending, watering, and other measures will be implemented by the MTP team to increase the overall survival rate.

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2023-1林地俯瞰图 Overview of Plot 2023-1

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2023-2林地俯瞰图 Overview of Plot 2023-2

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2023-3林地俯瞰图 Overview of Plot 2023-3

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2023-4林地俯瞰图 Overview of Plot 2023-4 

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2023-5林地俯瞰图 Overview of Plot 2023-5  


All five plots in Inner Mongolia in 2024 are planted with poplar trees, with the surrounding areas mainly consisting of forests or farmland. Some forest plots may contain few old trees. Many of the poplar trees in the forest have started to sprout. The tree rows are wide and relatively clear.

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林地中的杨树树行 The Poplar Tree Rows in Forest

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林地中发芽的树苗 Sprouted Saplings in the Forest