With everyone’s generous support, the Million Tree Project has come to the 8th year in 2014, and accomplished another 246,700 trees in one year. Three plots in Bagatala Sumu, KeerqinzuoyiHouqi, 60 kilometers south to Tongliao, consists of the 2014 forests, covering an area of 184.8 hectares (2,772 Mu). Two of them are located in Zhaogen Village and the other one in Bianjie Village.
2014 年,百万植树计划进入了第八个年头,在各赞助商的大力支持下,一年内完成了 249734 棵树的造林任务。林地分为三块,均位于科尔沁左翼后旗巴嘎塔拉苏木境内,距通辽市60公里,总面积为2806亩,其中两块林地为召根苏莫嘎查合作林地,一块为边界嘎查合作林地。
Up to date, the MTP has totally planted 1,502,400 trees since 2007, covering an area of 1372 Hectares. The species are poplars, pines, maples and yellowhorns.
从 2007 年开始至今,百万植树计划已累计种植 1,502,400棵树,占地面积为 20,582亩。造林树种以杨树为主,兼有樟子松、五角枫和文冠果。
The sample rate of forest measurement is 0.48% this year. It took us 24 days and 2183 kilometers to finish the measurement of 8,115 trees in 281 sample plots, covering all 26 forest plots planted from 2009 to 2014. The survival rates of each forest are shown as below.
2014年9月至11月,我们对2009年至2014年期间栽植的26块林地逐一进行了抽样调查。历时24天,行程 2183公里,测量样地281块,调查总计8,115棵,抽样比例为0.48%。各林地存活率情况,以及历年调查结果对比如下表:
Average Survival Rate Table of Project Forests, 2011-2014
The survival rate is relatively low compared with past years, mainly because of the abnormal weather. It warmed up very fast in spring, causing the trees to sprouts much earlier than expected. Hence the locals failed to catch the best time for planting. Plus, the drought during summer threatened the growth of young trees and caused the low survival rate, especially for the baby trees planted in 2013 and 2014. Below is the rainfall and evaporation figures in Tongliao in 2014 and recent years.
On the other hand, a new ecological investigation is carried out in part of the 2013 and 2014 forests. The preliminary results are shown in below charts. The two forests plots are close to each other with very similar conditions. We can see from the results that the forest planted last year (on the left) enjoys a vegetation coverage of 36.43%, better than the forest just planted in 2014 (on the right) who is only 28.84%. Also, the 2013 forest seems to have richer fallen leaves and bushes compared to 2014 forest on vegetation structure perspective. That represent that the whole ecosystem is gradually stabilizing after the trees are planted, while the mobilizing sand dunes are moving slower than before. With this evaluation method, we can provide a more dynamic and broad view for the forest managers besides the existing tree growth investigation. In short, it means we will have a big picture with not only trees but also the whole forest.