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2020年内蒙古林地调查概况| A Summary of 2020 MTP Forest Survey

· 林地报告 Forest Reports

林地概况 Forest Basic Information


To date, MTP has successfully planted 2,514,637 trees on 38 forest plots, covering an area of 35,597.15 Mu (nearly 23.73 km2) in Inner Mongolia. In 2020, a new plot of 1709 Mu was planted, marked as plot 2020-1. More details are given in the graph below. (1 Hectare=15 Mu)

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栽植树种 Type of Trees

截止2020年,栽植树种8种,分别为:杂交杨树(通林5,哲林4,白城杨,小黑杨等)1年和2年生裸根苗;文冠果播种苗;五角枫播种苗和1年生容器苗;樟子松3年生容器苗;榆树1年和2年生苗;柠条(1年生容器苗),柳树2年生苗,黄菠萝2年生苗。 其中,杨树和樟子松为主要造林树种,分别达总造林数量的52%和39%。其他树种占比不足10%。大部分树种的保存率均达到60%以上,适应性良好。

To date, we’ve planted 8 types of tree species in MTP forests, including 1-year-old and 2-year-old hybrid poplar bare-root seedlings, yellow horn seedlings, maple (Acer Mono) seedlings and 1-year-old container maple seedlings, 3-year-old container pine tree seedlings, 1-year-old and 2-year-old elm seedlings, 1-year-old Caragana Microphylla container seedlings, 2-year-old willow seedlings, 2-year-old Phellodendron amurense seedlings. Poplars and pines made up for the majority of the trees planted, the percentages being 52% and 39% respectively, and other tree species combined less than 10%. As of 2020, the survival rates for most tree species were above 60%, showing that these tree species had been well adapted to the local environment.

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林地保存率 Forest Survival Rate


In October and November, MTP team conducted surveys in 29 forest sites, which were planted from 2009 to 2020. The surveys took 18 days in total, covering 239 sample sites and 7709 tree samples. The sampling ratio was 0.31%. The survey measurements included the survival rate, height, basal diameter, diameter at breast height, crown width and spacing in the rows. Based on our survey results, the overall survival rate of all MTP forests in 2020 was 68.92%.

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