6月7、8 日,2014年法拉利赛道日嘉年华活动在上海国际赛车场举行。这也是法拉利在上海举办的第四届赛道日了。活动当天今上千名观众身着红衣来到赛场狂欢。法拉 利作为和上海根与芽多年的合作伙伴,除了活跃于赛车比赛中,也活跃在环保领域。今年上海根与芽也有幸能够在活动中向法拉利的车主以及贵宾们推广环保理念。
Ferrari Racing 2014 took place at Shanghai International Circuit on June 7th to 8th. This was the fourth RED carnival with thousands of car racing fans attending, all dressed in red.
这 个周末根与芽的三位志愿者和两位工作人员作为志愿者来到了赛道日,在现场介绍根与芽的百万植树项目并当场义卖一些环保特色的产品,例如用废旧光碟制成的太 阳眼镜,回收塑料做成的钱夹,或是竹制的名片盒。这些看似小巧的物件,实际上充满了环保的心意,当然深受车主和法拉利贵宾们的喜爱。
Shanghai Roots & Shoots’ Million Tree Project set up a booth in the VIP lounge, introducing guests to MTP and its eco-friendly merchandise. We had some specially-made items this year, such as sunglasses from recycled CDs, money clips from recycled plastics, and R&S-customized bamboo business-card holders.
在活动期间不断 有客人来到我们的展台前,了解有关根与芽百万植树项目以及法拉利和根与芽的合作关系。很多车主也是第一次了解到自己已经在不经意间间接的参与到了根与芽的 环保项目中,因为自2012年起法拉利就开始为每一位购买法拉利跑车的顾客在内蒙古种下防风固沙的树木以抵消法拉利跑车每年产生的碳排放量。许多顾客们在 得知法拉利和根与芽的合作之后也很乐意为根与芽的百万植树计划捐款,让我们尽早完成第二个一百万植树的目标。在两天的义卖活动中,三位志愿者一共筹得近 2000元善款。
A lot of people stopped by and asked about the partnership between Ferrari and MTP as well as other R&S projects. The car owners were pleased to learn that Ferrari had been donating trees on behalf of its customers since 2012 to offset CO2 emission from car sales.
MTP received 2,000 RMB donation within two days, which means 80 trees will be planted in Inner Mongolia. Many people expressed interest in getting involved with MTP to help green our planet.