On June 11, the innisfree PLAYGREEN Festival was celebrated in Shanghai!
The “PLAYGREEN Festival” had already become a pop and green carnival in South Korea among the young, green-minded people. Two years later, this green carnival was introduced to China by innisfree, in the Expo Park, and it became an immediate success with the young people in Shanghai.
据悉, PLAYGREEN Festival已在韩国成功举办两届,并且早已成为韩国小清新们心中的绿色环保盛事。今年6月,悦诗风吟玩转小清新节带着其绿色使命,来到上海世博公园,让中国的小清新们在游乐的同时对环保有了新的理解与认识。当天傍晚时分,悦诗风吟中国区蔡健人先生代表“玩转小清新节”向上海根与芽捐赠3000棵树,从而抵御荒漠化的进程。上海根与芽理事长陶瑞琳女士上台接受捐赠,同时呼吁更多年轻人可以加入到根与芽的环保活动之中。
In the park, over 2000 people gathered together to celebrate green. Innisfree set up quite a lot of fun activities like the cycling challenge to transfer energy and eco workshops for handkerchief decoration and many more.
Then came the concert where pop singers from China, South Korea and Malaysia were invited. Mr Fillip Chai, GM of innisfree China, donated 3000 trees on behalf of innisfree and the “PLAYGREEN Festival” to Shanghai Roots & Shoots Million Tree Project. Mrs. Tori Zwisler, Board Chair of Shanghai Roots & Shoots, thanked Mr. Chai for the generous donation and called for more young people to join in the efforts to protect the earth we all share.
The innisfree “PLAYGREEN Festival” turned environmental education into fun and originality. Everyone can start protecting the environment with small actions. Let’s just play green for the Earth.
此次2016悦诗风吟“玩转小清新节”的成功举办,让更多的人了解到环保并非晦涩难懂的自然主义,而是能愉快地融入到日常生活中的绿色健康生活方式!希望能够有越来越多的人们加入我们,为了绿色地球,大家一起来PLAY GREEN吧!