Lingwu, Ningxia
since 2015
MTP expanded its program to Ningxia in the spring of 2015. Encountering a new landscape, MTP adapted its original tree-planting project to better suit the specific needs in Ningxia, focusing on the more sandy soil that requires specific shrub and straw grid establishment. MTP’s effort would contribute to stopping the Maowusu Sandy Land from expanding, improve the local ecosystem and lessen the economic impact of desertification to the Yellow River corridor region .
In our mission to reforest and combat desertification in Ningxia, the Million Tree Project implements a 3-step process, combining forestry and on-site knowledge from our own team with the technical expertise of international and local partners.
1. 选择灌木种类 Selecting Shrub Species
Working with the Lingwu Baijitan Tree Farm, MTP constructs massive straw grids and plants four species of locally adapted shrubs.
Korshinsk Pea Shrub
Caragana Korshinskii Kom
The Korshinsk Pea Shrub efficiently fixes sand and makes barren hills green, since its roots grow with nitrogen-fixing nodules that improve soil quality. Its twigs and leaves also contain nitrogen, making them a good raw material for retting green manure.
Hedysarum scoparium
Sweetvetch has nitrogen-fixing nodules that allows it to grow vigorously in barren sand and improve soil quality.
Artemisia ordosica
Artemisia Ordosica is excellent at fixing sand because of the logarithmic clustering of its stems, which help to prevent soil erosion.
Calligonum arborescens Litv.
The leaves of Calligonum arborescens Litv. are quite small, so photosynthesis is almost entirely carried out by its branches. The roots are also quite developed, making it a pioneer species for sand fixation.
2. 栽种灌木&扎草方格 Planting the Shrubs & Constructing Straw Grids
At the Ningxia site, planting trip volunteers learn how to plant a mix of shrubs and also how to construct massive straw grids. Shrubs help to provide a solid foundation for soil development and restoration of vegetation diversity, while these straw grids both decelerate evaporation and improve soil moisture to buffer the survival rate of the shrubs that are planted. In addition to recruiting volunteers, MTP also contracts local farmers to carry out grid establishment, seed collection, and other planting activities, which helps generate extra income for local communities.
Find out more about how to become a volunteer and join one of these planting trips here.
3 . 养护与监测 Maintaining and Monitoring the Site
百万植树计划会对树木进行长期的养护与监测:志愿者帮助修建树枝,以促进树木的生长; 当地的农民和学生也会参与到监测和养护树木的环节里。与此同时,农民可以将从庄稼里收获的秸秆买给当地林场来获取额外的收入。林地调查是监测过程的重要环节,主要是由工作人员实地调查以及无人机技术完成的。通过每年收集数据,百万植树计划能够更好地评估项目的进展情况,例如成活率、降雨量、覆盖率、沙漠化程度、生物多样性、植被结构以及植物群的高度、直径、树冠大小,这些数据可以帮助项目组分析林地的长期长势。
MTP carried out long-term monitoring of forest plots: volunteers can also help to prune and trim the trees, which is critical to promote strong and healthy growth; local communities and students also help to monitor and maintain the trees growing on their land. Meanwhile, farmers can sell straws collected from their own crops to forest farm to get extra incomes. Forest surveys are a major component of monitoring the reforestation efforts. These are conducted by drone technology as well as by in-field investigations led by our forestry experts. Compiling reams of data year after year allows MTP to evaluate metrics of progress like survival rate, rainfall, coverage, degree of desertification, biodiversity, vegetation structure, height and diameter, and crown size of flora. From these data measurements, MTP can analyze long-term trends in forest health and growth.
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