公司企业 Corporations
履行企业社会责任的平台 A platform for your CSR
捐赠企业林 Sponsor corporate forests
命名一片企业公益林 Name your own forest
Sponsor corporate forests; 2,000 trees or 3,333 shrubs make a healthy-sized forest. This sends employees and clients a strong message that your company cares about its environmental impact. With GPS technology, you will be able to view the exact location of your company’s forest!
抵消碳排放 Offset carbon emission
计算和行动 Calculate and action
Set up a mandatory program to offset pollution from company travel. Corporate air travel emits huge amounts of carbon dioxide and therefore contributes considerably to global warming. Buy a forest of 2,000 trees to offset CO2 emissions from corporate air travel. We can show you how.
学校 Schools
年轻人带来大改变 Young people make big changes
千树挑战 Thousand Tree Challenge
团队的力量无穷大 Work with your team
Get your R&S Club active in fundraising! Meet the 1,000 Tree Goal, name your own forest and earn the chance to join the tree planting trip. There are many ways you can run a fundraising event on your campus. To help you, we have our Thousand Tree Challenge Pack to offer you ideas and suggestions.
结合学校课程 Combine into your curriculum
教育为本 Education is essential
MTP 学习手册是由教育者、教师和学生一同开发的,利用这份材料来了解百万植树计划所涵盖的科学知识和方法。请联络我们了解更多。
The MTP Learning Guide is developed by joint effort of educators, teachers and students. Use this Guide to discover the background science and methodology of the Million Tree Project。
成为志愿者 Volunteer
相信个人的力量 Belief in individual power
夏季志愿者 Field Volunteers in Summer
生态调查 Bio-Diversity Investigation
你是否想要参加植树行而没有机会?想要再次走访曾经种下小树苗的地方吗?何不参与夏季生态调查活动呢?作为生态调查志愿者,你不仅能更加深入了解百万植树计划,还能学习到林地调查是怎样开展的,植树造林对当地环境带来哪些变化。符合要求的参与者可以在线报名,贡献你的一份力量!( 注册成为为上海根与芽志愿者)
Want to get involved but cannot join the planting trip? Want to revisit the place you have planted the saplings? Why not join the summer volunteer program? Not only can you get a better idea what MTP is about, but also earn the chance to conduct field investigation with our staff and see the project's impact in local community. Volunteers meets the qualification can apply online to help MTP fight desertification with science. (Rigester as a volunteer here)
秋季志愿者 Field Volunteers in Autumn
林地抽样调查 Annual Forest Investigation
Autumn is the busiest season for millions of tree planting programs. The team will visit all woodlands from 2007 to date in just one month to monitor tree growth. During this busy season, MTP need to recruit more volunteers to help with the survey. Those who get on board will visit our oldest forest, measure thousands of trees, process our drone data, and enjoy the Inner Mongolian dishes with our local staff team. Learn More
植树之行 Tree Planting Trips
亲手种植 亲眼见证 I see I plant
Every year, volunteers follow the project team to Inner Mongolia and Ningxia to plant trees with local residents. The tree planting tour lasts 4 days and 3 nights and includes tree planting, tree conservation, and the opportunity to visit the desert to learn about the ecological benefits of planting trees. Participating companies must donate more than 50,000 yuan, school groups more than 25,000 yuan, individuals more than 12,500 yuan, can send representatives to participate. Members participating in the event must be over 14 years of age. Learn more
Contribute your time and talent
Our project cannot run without the support from many volunteers. The observation work is vital, costing a huge amount of time and effort to collect, sort and analyse data in the forest. If you have time and interest, why not join us as a volunteer to contribute in field work or data collection. If you'd like to get involved, please leave a message here.个人参与 Individuals
绿树表心意 Tree as a gift
独特的礼物 A unique gift
Planting a tree in someone’s honor is a unique, thoughtful, and environmentally friendly gift for any festive occasion. Sponsor trees for the Million Tree Project as personal gifts for friends and family, or as corporate gifts for clients and staff.捐赠个人林地 Individual Forest
绿色先锋 Friends of Forests
500 trees or 833 shrubs can form an Individual Forest.will also have chance to join the planting trip and feel the difficulties and joyfulness of tree planting.
和朋友们一起捐树 Donate together
让更多人一起加入进来 Get more people involved!
On the Tencent Charity Platform page of MTP, you will immediately receive your donation certificate after making donations. You can also use 'donate together' to fundraise with your friends, to inspire more people get involved. ( Please scan the QR code via WeChat )
You could donate trees to support the program. And please feel free to contact us if you have any further quesion. Thank you!
3/F Room 303, Bund SOHO Building D, 300 Ren Min Road, Shanghai
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