上海根与芽 Shanghai Roots & Shoots
  • 上海根与芽 Shanghai Roots & Shoots
  • 上海根与芽 Shanghai Roots & Shoots

上海根与芽 Shanghai Roots & Shoots

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The Shanghai Roots & Shoots program is part of a global network of localized non-profit organizations (NPO) that promote an active civil society in over 130 countries worldwide. Established in 1999, the Shanghai Roots & Shoots program encourages youths to become advocates for environmental and wildlife protection, as well as poverty alleviation and social initiatives by giving them the tools and support to carry out projects of their own design. In 2004, Shanghai Roots & Shoots became the only foreign affiliated non-profit organization formally approved by the government of the People’s Republic of China. Roots & Shoots exists in Shanghai as a broad network of organized student groups that affiliate with over 300 schools, ranging from primary to university level. Student volunteers organize hands-on projects that include citywide recycling drives, environmental educational initiatives, and poverty alleviation projects in neighboring provinces.
上海根与芽成立于1999年,由现任理事会主席陶瑞琳女士开办的关注于环保教育的非营利机构。我们的使命是教育并赋予年轻人能力来改变身边的环境和社区,带来积极的影响。 2004年,上海根与芽在民政局正式注册为民办非企业法人,获得了合法身份,是首批获得注册的涉外非营利机构。机构主要关注动物、社区和环境三大主题,曾运作多个长期或短期项目,如黄页回收、猩猩馆改造等。目前上海根与芽共有7个项目,包括百万植树计划、绿色办公室评估项目、绿色青年行动、有机农场、乐苗计划、希望之家和吾童树。上海根与芽目前在上海及周边地区有超过300所的学校网络,各年龄学生和成人志愿者围绕我们的项目开展丰富多样的活动。
At present, our projects focus more on sustainable development. Some of the programs we run include the Eco-Office Program, YES Program, the KidStrong Program, the Organic Garden program, the Wutongshu Program, and the Home of Hope Program. Shanghai Roots & Shoots’ biggest program to date is the Million Tree Project. Our projects have seen tremendous success and are generally implemented on a long-term basis. We believe that these volunteers embody China’s growing enthusiasm for environmental protection.  Shanghai Roots & Shoots continues to see the desire and demand for further environmental and humanitarian education and protection in China. Where we are today and where we hope to grow, can only be accomplished with the generous support of our sponsors.