内蒙古通辽市Tongliao, Inner Mongolia
since 2007
The Inner Mongolia project began in 2007 with the express goal of planting one million trees, in order to counter rapid desertification and restore the land in Tongliao through afforestation. After years of dedicated work, MTP finished planting its first million thriving trees in 2012, and continuing into 2016, a second million trees were planted. The Million Tree Project implements a 3-step process: 'selecting tree species', 'planting trees' and 'maintaining and monitoring the site'.
1. 选择树种 Selecting Tree Species
With input from both local forestry staff and experts from the Oregon State University Forestry Department, MTP chose four plant species that are well-adapted for local environmental conditions.
Hybrid poplar
Populus simonii
Adapts to local soil and climate and absorbs large amounts of carbon dioxide.
Hybrid Poplars are particularly effective at sequestering carbon and do not require large amounts of water to thrive, which is important in this desertified climate.
Mongolian Scots Pine
Pinus sylvestnis var. mongolica Litv.
The Mongolian Scots Pine is an evergreen plant with strong roots and a long lifespan. A drought-, wind-, and cold-resistant plant, this pine species is perfect for fighting desertification.
Xanthoceras sorbifolia
Yellowhorn seeds contain twice the amount of oil as soybeans, and can be used for both cooking and industrial purposes. This species has a long history of successful growth in the region and will produce both economic and ecological benefits.
Littleleaf Peashrub
Caragana microphylla Lam
The Littleleaf Peashrub is a typical local shrub and is crucial to arid and semi-arid ecosystems. As a shrub, it strikes an excellent balance between biological restoration and economic development.
2. 植树 Planting the Trees
Every year, MTP volunteers travel to Tongliao for our planting trip. Volunteers learn how to plant trees and work with our on-site staff as well as with local farmers to give these saplings a new home and their best chance at survival. While the trees are in their infancy, local farmers are encouraged to interplant crops like beans, millet, or watermelons for extra income; this increases both biodiversity and the amount of available nutrients for the trees.
Our full-time forestry managers evaluate soil quality, the viability of the saplings, intercropping practices, and local community support before and after planting. Additionally, MTP also collaborates with the Department of Forest Science's Nursery Technology Cooperative at Oregon State University, USA.
Find out more about how to become a volunteer and join one of our planting trips here.
3. 养护与监测 Maintaining and Monitoring the Site
百万植树计划会对树木进行长期的养护与监测:志愿者帮助修建树枝,以促进树木的生长; 项目组和库伦旗团委合作,让当地的农民和学生参与到监测和养护树木的环节里。在树木成材后,当地的农民将拥有林地的林权。林地调查是监测过程的重要环节,主要是由工作人员实地调查以及无人机技术完成的。通过每年收集数据,百万植树计划能够更好地评估项目的进展情况,例如成活率、降雨量、覆盖率、沙漠化程度、生物多样性、植被结构以及植物群的高度、直径、树冠大小,这些数据可以帮助项目组分析林地的长期长势。
MTP carried out long-term monitoring of forest plots: volunteers can also help to prune and trim the trees, which is critical to promote strong and healthy growth; MTP also works with the Youth League of Kulun Qi to engage local students and farmers to help monitor and maintain the trees. Farmers are licensed to harvest trees that have reached maturity on the condition that they replant on the harvested plot. Forest surveys are a major component of monitoring the reforestation efforts. These are conducted by drone technology as well as by in-field investigations led by our forestry experts. Compiling reams of data year after year allows MTP to evaluate metrics of progress like survival rate, rainfall, coverage, degree of desertification, biodiversity, vegetation structure, height and diameter, and crown size of flora. From these data measurements, MTP can analyze long-term trends in forest health and growth.
Find out more about become a volunteer and how to get involved in one of these ecological investigations here.
长期监测 Long-Term Monitoring
百万植树计划对林地进行长期的监测,以观测林地的生长状况。2007、2008林地是百万植树计划的第一片林地,位于内蒙古通辽市,主要种植樟子松和杨树。自08年开始,项目组持续性监测该林地的生长状况,在2019年对该林地进行了全方位的调查,包括树木存活率、密度、树高、地径、胸径、生物多样性以及郁闭度等等。下方是08至19年之间该林地的变化对比图,以及对2019年调查报告的部分展示。MTP carried out long-term monitoring of forest plots. Here‘s a look at data from our oldest forest plot. Located in Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, this plot was first planted with Mongolian scots pine and hybrid poplars in 2007 and this planting continued into 2008. Since then, we've monitored the growth and progress of the trees every year. Some of the data we have captured over time is shown below.
200708 forest investigation report
The growth of trees in 0708 plot basically reached the peak and entered the stable period. Generally, a complete-structured forest has been formed. The internal soil and biological environment are improving. Both the coverage and the species type are no longer in the mobile sand stage, and now in the semi fixed sand stage. There is an obvious transition trend towards the fixed sand stage. Our 0708 plot has positive effect on improving environment and reducing wind erosion.
林地保存率 survival rate
This survival rate is higher than technical benchmark of 70% survival rate of afforestation in arid regions stipulated in afforestation technical regulations.
平均树高 average height
In 2018-2019, the overall height growth of the forest basically reached the peak. This forest entered the stable growth period.
覆盖率 coverage rate
0708plot has already become a forest with complete structure.
生物多样性 biodiversity
Perennial psammophytes become dominant species means this land is no longer in the mobile sand stage. Perennial herbs and xerophytic shrubs invaded and formed a large scale, which manifests the land is transiting from semi-mobile sand land to semi-fixed sandy land.
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