Why Get Involved
Whether you're an individual, a school, or a company,
there are plenty of reasons to get involved with MTP!
By working with MTP, you are helping to...
抵抗荒漠化 Fight Desertification
Without the protection of plants, land will quickly lose its vegetative cover and nutrients. Planting trees or shrubs, along with constructing straw grids, helps to retain soil moisture, fix sand, slow down wind speed, and reduce erosion and dust storms. It can also alleviate soil salinization and degradation, making the land fertile once again.
Reduce Air Pollution
Everyone has an individual carbon footprint, generated by everyday activities from driving a car to turning on the lights, and a social responsibility to try their best to reduce or offset that carbon involvement. Getting involved with the Million Tree Project can help offset your carbon footprint, since plants can sequester carbon, taking it out of the atmosphere and combating global warming in the process. Plants also remove dust and other pollutants from the air we breathe, helping to alleviate air pollution.
Restore Biodiversity
Plants provide shelter and habitat for 79% of land species. When soil turns to sand, the dry and sandy layer prevents new life from growing and sustaining ecosystems. Tree-planting provides shade, food sources, and habitats for millions of plant and animal species.
Support Local Communities
The MTP can help local people preserve their communities and improve their living environments. Desertification is one of the causes of poverty in northern China. Environmental degradation would cause reduced crop yields and grassland productivity, diminished water quality, and an increased cost of irrigation. In addition, a rising frequency of dust storms has removed the fertile topsoil, while sand continually blasts the crops. Furthermore, desertification leads to displacement of communities, who must flee their homes and migrate to cities.
As an Individual
How to Get Involved
Sponsor an Individual Forest
Planting trees is a unique, unforgettable private gift to friends and family. With your sponsorship, 500 trees (25RMB/tree) or 1,250 shrubs (10RMB/shrub) can form an Individual Forest. Direct donations to the Million Tree Project also help us greatly in seeing our tree-planting mission come to fruition. Please contact us or scan the QR code via WeChat if you're interested in donating.
参加植树行 Join a Planting Trip
Through your generous sponsorship of an Individual Forest, you will also have the unforgettable opportunity to join our planting trip and engage in hands-on planting with direction from our forestry staff and in collaboration with local farmers. Learn more
成为志愿者 Become a Field Volunteer
Summer: Can't join the planting trip but still want to get involved? Join our summer volunteer program! Not only can you get a better idea what MTP is about, but you will also get the opportunity to conduct field research with our staff and see the project's impact first-hand on the local community. Volunteers who meet our qualifications can apply online to help MTP fight desertification with our science-based approach. Learn More
Autumn: Every autumn is the busiest season for the Million Tree Project. We need to survey ALL forests planted since 2007. During the National Day holiday, we recruit qualified volunteers to join our autumn volunteer program. Those selected will visit our oldest forests, measure thousands of trees, process our drone data, and enjoy the Inner Mongolian dishes with our local staff. Learn More贡献你的才能
Contribute Your Individual Talent
Our project cannot run without the support of many volunteers. Our observation work requires a huge amount of time and effort, including collecting, sorting and analyzing forest data. If you have time and related talent, please join us as a volunteer to contribute to our field work or data collection. If you'd like to get involved, please leave a message here.
感想 Testimonials
Find out what our past volunteers have to say about the Million Tree Project and the work we do!
"... the contribution that you've lately made, makes that change. And one thing I'm gonna take back is to make other students aware. The impact that we did is so little. You can't stop here. This is something we need to continue. You need to go back to your schools, and go to your other students, and say, 'Guys, you have to do this.' Because collectively we can make a difference. "
- 2019 Planting Trip Volunteer (Teacher)
"I think it was a really great experience to help the environment, and I also think we learned a lot of valuable information how to save the land from desertification and other things around it. Overall, it was really great and I really enjoyed it!"
- 2019 Planting Trip Volunteer (Student)
Shanghai American School Puxi Campus
"I feel like getting first-hand experience in pruning the trees and planting the trees and y'know seeing the trees in the desert and seeing what used to be a lake now become a desert, I feel like it's very inspiring to me, and hopefully you guys as well, that our world is changing, but we're trying to do something to change it back to what it was before and try to help the environment. "
- 2019 Planting Trip Volunteer (Student)
Shanghai American School Pudong Campus
"... this is one of these experiences that you should remember for the rest of your lives. This is something real, this is something above and beyond, that you guys have done, and you should be real proud of yourselves. I hope you take the lessons that you learned this weekend, and carry them with you into the future. Because in the future, the people that are going to matter, that are going to do something good, that are going to change how this planet is, how society is in the future, are not old guys like me. It's you guys. So you've really done something great here. You've really learned something here. "
- 2019 Planting Trip Volunteer (Teacher)
- 2019年植树行志愿者
- 2019年植树行志愿者
-- 2019年植树行志愿者 罗氏诊断员工
种树给我最大的感触就是感动。许多年前我来过内蒙古,当时沙漠化非常严重;而这次一路开车过来感到了很大的变化,绿化面积在增加,这就是许许多多护林人员、当地农民和环保人士共同努力的结果。这次我们30几个人一同来到内蒙古,看到大家都对环保事业很热情,感受到自己也是绿化事业的一部分。 而且根与芽的植树行也让我解锁了到了种树的新技能!期待下一次相聚!
-- 2019年植树行志愿者 群邑集团员工
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